Full Time Diploma Admission form – RDCFA

    Application form for Full Time Diploma in Bharatanatyam, Carnatic Music & Visual Arts course – For the Academic year (2025-2026)
    Candidate Information

    “Applicants should make a sum of Rs. 500/- (its equivalent) to the following bank account. The receipt for the payment should be attached in the given column.

    Name on the account: KALAKSHETRA COLLEGE OF FINE ARTSK31
    A/c : 443596869
    “Name of the bank: Indian Bank
    IFSC : IDIB000T044
    Swift Code: IDIBINBBTSY
    Thiruvanmiyur branch

    Parents/Guardian Information

    Academic Qualifications *

    Education Name & Address of Institution % Marks Month & Year of Passing
    10th std.*
    12th std.
    Degree / Diploma

    Attach the Marksheets: – Max. 1MB (JPEG/JPG) *